
Nearly 100 years ago, after the events of the Magistus storyline in the OCG Stories manga, Endymion went his separate way from Crowley and Rilliona, and created a thriving epicenter of magic — the Loading... . Seeking to better the world with magic while also mitigating its misuse, he crystalized magical energy into Power Stones that could be used by those with or without innate magical abilities. Endymion came to view magic as a force with great potential but also great danger, that must be tightly regulated. Under his rule, the Citadel's might has been unparalleled.

Outside the Citadel's borders is La Maison, a group of spellcaster academics who manage Loading... — a library and research institute that uses a magical internet (accessed via the Spellbooks) to make its information available to any spellcaster. Believing they had done too little to prevent the misuse of their magic, Endymion mounted a raid on Loading... . But in a confirmation of his concerns, his forces were driven back when the Loading... lost control of the Loading... and went on a rampage as the Loading... .

After this loss, Endymion furthered the Citadel's power by founding the Loading... , where he infused the Power Stones directly into magical creatures to produce the fearsome Mythical Beasts. He also enhanced his own abilities and became known as Loading... .


General Approach

Like the Mighty Master himself, an Endymion deck uses the magic of the Power Stones (Spell Counters) to fuel effects that establish interruptions on turn 1 and break boards on turn 2.

Most Endymion and Mythical Beast cards generate Spell Counters each time a Spell resolves. By using Spells that replace themselves, you can gain Spell Counters without losing any resources and activate your most powerful effects essentially for free.

As with other Pendulum decks, there is no standard play line. Each opening hand requires thought and improvisation. The general approach is to accumulate Spell Counters while searching your heavy hitters from the deck, and then Special Summon everything via Pendulum Summon and various card effects. It's almost always possible to establish monster effect negation within the first 5 summons, so playing around Loading... is fairly straightforward.


The deck's two strongest variants pair Endymion with either:

  • His own Mythical Beast cards
  • Magical Abductor and the rivaling Spellbook cards


Deck Contents

Core Main Deck Monsters

Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic

Endymion is the quintessential boss monster if there ever was one.

His Pendulum Effect Special Summons himself and then immediately destroys almost any number of cards without targeting. This effect resolves in your Pendulum Zone, so monster effect negation does not stop it. It's also common to use this effect during your first turn, but you must still attempt to destroy at least 1 card — ideally Loading... or Loading... .

In addition to being untargetable and indestructible, Endymion also negates the activation of a Spell/Trap Card or effect by returning a card with a Spell Counter to the hand (including himself). Since he gains the returned card's Spell Counters, you don't lose anything and often gain an opportunity to reuse the returned card.


Reflection of Endymion
Servant of Endymion
Magister of Endymion

Endymion's three loyal aides each Special Summon themselves from the Pendulum Zone, along with any monster that can have Spell Counters from the hand, deck, or face-up Extra Deck, respectively.


  • Servant is your best starter by Special Summoning Endymion or Loading... directly from the deck — not only giving you a +1 but also positioning you to negate your opponent's hand traps.

  • Magister's Pendulum Effect can can give you Link Material early during your turn, or add another negate to your board near the end of your turn. His monster effect Special Summons Jackal King, Endymion, or Reflection during your opponent's turn, letting you tailor your interaction to their strategy.

  • Reflection's Pendulum Effect does come up, but her monster effect is more impactful. Both Magister and Loading... can Special Summon her during your opponent's turn and trigger her effect to return a card to the hand.


Astrograph Sorcerer

An honorary Endymion monster, Astrograph triggers when anything is destroyed by the effect of Loading... , Loading... , or any Mythical Beast's Pendulum Effect.


The most typical play with Astrograph is as follows.

  1. Electrumite's first effect adds Astrograph from the deck to the Extra Deck.
  2. Electrumite's second effect destroys a card in your Pendulum Zone and adds Astrograph to your hand.
  3. This triggers Astrograph's effect to Special Summon himself and search a second copy of the card Electrumite destroyed — ideally Endymion since he's also a high Pendulum Scale. It also triggers Electrumite's effect to draw a card.

Astrograph's effect is not once per turn. So if you draw Astrograph, you can trigger his effect when a Mythical Beast or Chronograph Sorcerer destroys itself and then use him as material for Electrumite. You can then add him back to your hand with Electrumite's effect and trigger his effect a second time.


Mythical Beast Variant

Mythical Beast Master Cerberus
Mythical Beast Jackal King
Mythical Beast Jackal
Mythical Beast Garuda
Mythical Beast Bashilisk

By far the most common version, this approach excels at fielding Jackal King early to protect your plays from interruption. Cerberus and small Jackal each provide material for Loading... so you can keep Jackal King (summoned by Loading... ) to protect against hand traps.

The basic play with Cerberus is as follows:

  1. Cerberus destroys itself to add Jackal King to your hand.
  2. Jackal King destroys itself to Special Summon that same Cerberus.


This puts a free monster on your field and loads a Jackal King into your Extra Deck. When going second, it also sets up Cerberus's monster effect to force an opponent's interaction.

Going second, Garuda is a useful counter to cards like Loading... and Loading... that you can search with Cerberus's Pendulum Effect.

Bashilisk is a relatively niche card that doesn't see much play, in order to keep the monster count low. Its monster effect is not a substitute for Loading... , but can be helpful for retrieving a missing Pendulum Scale, a DARK monster for Loading... , or a third card for Loading... .

Abductor/Spellbook Variant

Magical Abductor
Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
Spellbook of Secrets
Spellbook of Knowledge

This variant still runs Jackal King for its monster negate, but drops the other Mythical Beasts in favor of additional draw power and materials for Link Summons. Loading... and Loading... search one another, and then either searches Loading... — effectively trading your Normal Summon for 2 Spell resolutions and a Loading... effect.

With all these Spell resolutions, it's easy to accumulate 3 Spell Counters on Loading... for her effect that adds any Pendulum Monster to your hand. This effect can be used again during the same turn if you control another Abductor. Depending on your play style, she can also be Special Summoned by Servant and her monster effect can search Loading... .

The Abductor/Spellbook deck avoids the risk of clogging on Mythical Beast duplicates. In exchange, Electrumite is more vulnerable to interruption since you often need to use both Servant and Jackal King (summoned by her effect) as material.


Core Extra Deck Monsters

Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians

Selene is typically Link Summoned using Electrumite and Loading... , since Electrumite's effect triggers Astrograph's effect to Special Summon himself. Loading... and any other monster will do, as well. Selene instantly creates enough Spell Counters for any effect you might want to activate.

Her Quick Effect is great for triggering Loading... 's effect during your opponent's turn. She can also Special Summon a copy of Loading... or Loading... that was just returned to your hand by Endymion's effect, thereby allowing you to use their once-per-turn negates a second time.

Finally, Selene can revive Loading... or Loading... from the GY and give you an easy path to Loading... or Loading... .


Heavymetalfoes Electrumite
Beyond the Pendulum
Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon
Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden

When Link Summoning Electrumite, it's ideal to first resolve Servant's effect to Special Summon herself and Jackal King or Endymion, and then use Servant and another Pendulum Monster as material. This lets you protect Electrumite from interruption. Loading... is often the best card to retrieve with her effect, but that's not always the case so think carefully.

Loading... 's effect comes with its own obvious choke point (cards in your Pendulum Zones also lose their Spell Counters), so you'll want to Pendulum Summon right after resolving it. She's a strong card in the right situation, but not summoned in every duel.


Loading... is summoned as follows:

  1. Xyz Summon Loading... . It's ideal to use Astrograph and Reflection, but it's also fine to use Endymion since Selene can immediately revive him.
  2. Send Absolute to the GY, typically done by destroying it with Endymion's Pendulum Effect or using it as Link Material.
  3. Trigger Absolute's effect to Special Summon Vortex Dragon.


Artemis is only used along with Loading... . Pendulum Monsters cannot be sent from the field to the GY, so Artemis converts any Level 4 or lower Pendulum Spellcaster into fodder for Knowledge.


Endymion Spells

Spell Power Mastery
Mythical Institution
Magical Citadel of Endymion
Mythical Bestiary

Mastery and Institution are both outstanding searchers.

Institution can use Spell Counters from anywhere on your field, and you can search multiple times if you control multiple copies — or if you return it to your hand and activate it again. Loading... is essentially free for just 1 Spell Counter, and Institution also gives additional cheap access to Loading... and Loading... .

Citadel is only occasionally played, but remains a decent option to suit your preference. You'll sometimes draw into Servant, Magister, or Loading... after already using several Spells, and Citadel lets you activate their effects immediately without needing 3 more Spell activations. Bestiary can put 3 counters on Servant all at once, but there are typically better options.


Free Spell Counters

Upstart Goblin
Into the Void
Chicken Game
Pot of Desires
Allure of Darkness

These are sometimes called "cantrips", a Dungeons & Dragons term for a spell that can be cast for no cost and without using a spell slot.

Similarly, each of these gives you Spell Counters without costing any cards from your hand. Many are limited or forbidden in the TCG, but in Master Duel you can run full play sets and enjoy the consistency of a 30-card deck. Include as many as possible.

  • Loading... prevents the player with lower LP from taking damage. Remember to get rid of it before attacking for game!

Allure is most ideal in decks that run Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , and/or Loading... , since they provide additional DARK monsters and Souls can trade Allure for a new draw if you prefer. That said, it does occasionally see play in pure variants since Cerberus and Institution can both search DARK fodder to your hand.

Other Flex Spells

Called by the Grave
Triple Tactics Talent
Extra-Foolish Burial

In addition to letting you play through Loading... and Loading... , Loading... has proven invaluable when going second against a wide array of meta decks.

For a steep LP cost, Loading... becomes an additional cantrip by sending Loading... to the GY. It can also send Loading... to search Loading... , or Loading... to destroy a card.

Loading... comes in and out of popularity depending on the format. You can search it with Loading... via Loading... .

Loading... is a Quick-Play Spell that can summon a monster from your Pendulum Zone or destroy an opponent's monster. It doesn't see much play due to the –1 in card economy, but being a fast effect creates the opportunity for shenanigans during your opponent's turn.


Magicians' Souls Engine

Magicians' Souls
Illusion of Chaos
Extra-Foolish Burial

Other engines are listed in the "Advanced" section, however the Souls engine has become such a frequent inclusion that it can almost be considered standard.

Souls gives you a free body while loading Loading... into the GY, so Selene can trigger her effect during either player's turn. Souls' other effect turns leftover copies of Loading... and Loading... into additional draws.

Loading... adds Souls to your hand, which means Loading... can search for Souls by pitching Loading... . It can also shuffle various search targets back into your deck, particularly with options like the Vaylantz and Sky Striker cards. Loading... is an alternative with the advantage of not being once per turn, whereas EFB has the versatility of also triggering Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... .

If running the Souls engine, then strongly consider including Loading... . After Illusion adds Souls to your hand and places itself on top of the deck, you're guaranteed to draw a DARK monster with Allure.


Main Deck Techs

Chronograph Sorcerer
Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser
Majesty Pegasus, the Dracoslayer
Amorphage Sloth
Kai-Den Kendo Spirit

Previously limited to one per deck, Chronograph is a versatile card with two extender effects. In the Pendulum Zone, he can destroy himself to Special Summon Loading... and get you half way to Electrumite. In the hand, he triggers if any of your cards are destroyed (e.g. by a Mythical Beast effect or even another copy of Chronograph) to Special Summon himself and optionally another monster from your hand. Chronograph is also a high Pendulum Scale and DARK fodder for Loading... .

  • Note that Timegazer's monster effect can occasionally protect your Servant or Endymion from destruction effects like Loading... .

Curtain Raiser is an extender that helps you get to Electrumite and provides DARK fodder for Allure. It occasionally sees play in Abductor/Spellbook variants, whereas the Mythical Beast variants can accomplish the same tasks with Loading... .

Majesty Pegasus makes Loading... and other Field Spells searchable via Loading... .

Loading... 's monster effect is a crippling floodgate that you can search with Loading... . The Bystial and Kashtira monsters can attack over it, so Sloth's utility depends on these cards' popularity in the format. It also gives you a strong back-up plan after the opponent resolves Loading... .

Kai-Den's high Pendulum Scale allows you to Pendulum Summon Loading... . He returns himself to the hand afterward, which means you can activate him again (or another card) to place Spell Counters on the monsters you just Pendulum Summoned.

Extra Deck Techs

Gravity Controller
Exceed the Pendulum
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom

Loading... is a way to send Loading... from the Extra Monster Zone to the GY, and his battle effect is occasionally useful.

Loading... and Loading... let you salvage some awkward hands by putting Loading... in the Extra Deck, in order to enable Loading... 's and Loading... 's Pendulum Effects.

Loading... 's effect to retrieve a Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck is sometimes a better option than Loading... . However, she is not a staple since her second effect is generally a more situational version of Loading... . In additional, being a Link-3 is sometimes a disadvantage because it's harder to use her as material for Selene if you need Spell Counters.

Promethean Princess lets you reuse the effects of Electrumite and Loading... . After using her effect to revive Electrumite, you'll use Electrumite's effect to destroy Princess and retrieve Astrograph — which triggers Astrograph to Special Summon himself and give you an additional search. This usually nets you a second (or third) copy of Endymion. Although this play does not require any other monsters, it is highly recommended to run a least one additional FIRE Link Monster so you can get Princess off the field in case something goes wrong, or if you want to use her GY effect for an interruption.

Starving Venom (forbidden in the TCG) lets you use Loading... 's effects a second time, although this rarely comes up.


Sample Decks

Without rigid play lines, most Pendulum decks have ample flexibility and Endymion is the same. The 'pure' variants can borrow tech cards from one another, or they can be more extensively combined to create hybrid builds.

The following decks are taken directly from veteran players, built to maximize synergy between various cards and engines.


These variants include:

  • Mythical Beast – The standard approach. This version is resilient to interruption and the strongest option when going second.

  • Abductor/Spellbook – Even more draw power and extenders, but slightly weaker at breaking boards.

  • Budget Option – The most accessible deck list for newcomers who are building from scratch. It still requires quite a few URs, but that's simply the reality for an expensive deck like Endymion.


Mythical Beast

Generally considered the standard Endymion deck, the Mythical Beast version excels at protecting your turn 1 plays by fielding Loading... early. It uses Loading... for an omni-search, and the Mythical Beasts provide bodies as well as toolboxing.

This version is also the stronger option for breaking boards thanks to Cerberus's banish effect and Garuda's ability to destroy a floodgate.


  • The Mythical Beast Pendulum Effects generate Spell Counters very quickly on Institution, but remember that Institution can remove Spell Counters from any card you control for its effect.

  • Institution most commonly searches for Loading... by removing 1 Spell Counter or Loading... by removing 3. If you draw it late in your turn, then you can also search Loading... for another interruption.


This deck maximizes Loading... by taking advantage of the fact that both Institution and Cerberus easily add DARK fodder to your hand. Loading... can do the same by pitching Herald to search Loading... .

If you already have enough Spell Counters without summoning Selene, then you can alternatively end on Loading... to make your monsters untargetable and Promethean Princess's effect live in your GY. Loading... is another option. Just remember that Princess locks you into FIRE monsters, so be ready to destroy her with Electrumite's effect or link her away for a FIRE Link Monster.

40 cards
2 copies
Mythical Beast Jackal
Magicians' Souls
3 copies
Servant of Endymion
Mythical Beast Garuda
2 copies
Mythical Beast Jackal King
Astrograph Sorcerer
3 copies
Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic
Reflection of Endymion
3 copies
Mythical Beast Master Cerberus
Illusion of Chaos
3 copies
Upstart Goblin
3 copies
Allure of Darkness
Pot of Desires
2 copies
Extra-Foolish Burial
3 copies
Spell Power Mastery
2 copies
Triple Tactics Talent
3 copies
Chicken Game
3 copies
Mythical Institution
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life
Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon
Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
Herald of the Arc Light
Heavymetalfoes Electrumite
I:P Masquerena
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
Beyond the Pendulum
S:P Little Knight
Spright Elf
2 copies
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker


Abductor/Spellbook with Sky Striker

This variant swaps out the Mythical Beasts for even more draw power, including all the usual draw Spells in addition to Loading... .

Loading... becomes your omni-searcher instead of Institution. The deck isn't quite as good at protecting Electrumite, but in exchange, your draws are more consistent and you can gas right through interruption. The Spellbooks also let you push further with Link Summons since Loading... means you'll have a Spellcaster in the GY for Selene to revive.

The Abductor/Spellbook variant can be played "pure" or with any engine, but this particular deck features the Sky Striker cards for even more draw power and extension. Loading... is a hell of a card, netting you a search and a draw without even being once per turn. Kagari immediately recurs it back to your hand (where it can be activated again immediately), and Widow Anchor provides an additional search target that helps break boards.


  • The Sky Striker Spells require your Main Monster Zones to be empty, so be careful about sequencing your plays. This makes them well-suited for the Abductor/Spellbook variant, since Loading... and Loading... can each clear a monster from your Main Monster Zone.
40 cards
Magicians' Souls
Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
3 copies
Servant of Endymion
Timegazer Magician
3 copies
Magical Abductor
Mythical Beast Jackal King
3 copies
Chronograph Sorcerer
Astrograph Sorcerer
2 copies
Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic
Reflection of Endymion
3 copies
Upstart Goblin
3 copies
Into the Void
Spellbook of Secrets
Pot of Desires
Spellbook of Knowledge
3 copies
Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!
3 copies
Spell Power Mastery
Triple Tactics Talent
3 copies
Chicken Game
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones
Sky Striker Mecha - Widow Anchor
Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon
Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
Sky Striker Ace - Kagari
Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden
Crowley, the First Propheseer
Heavymetalfoes Electrumite
I:P Masquerena
S:P Little Knight
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
Beyond the Pendulum
2 copies
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World


Budget Deck

Endymion is one of the more expensive decks on Master Duel because it includes UR playsets from 2 archetypes (Endymion and Mythical Beast) as well as craft-only playsets of Loading... and Loading... . As such, even the budget deck isn't exactly cheap.

Budget decks are generally less optimal than a full-budgeted deck. Nevertheless, the deck here has been tested and confirmed to perform well for a budget option. It prioritizes the draw power of the Abductor/Spellbook variant, while still taking advantage of Loading... and Institution's ability to search for Loading... as DARK fodder.


  • Loading... is primarily used for his Pendulum Effect. But remember that his monster effect also triggers after using the Pendulum Effects of Jackal, Garuda, and Jackal King.

  • Loading... is interchangeable with Loading... if you already own any copies of Upstart. This deck slightly prioritizes Loading... first because it is fodder for Loading... ' effect, and it because it gives Endymion's Pendulum Effect something to destroy on turn 1.

  • If you can't bear to pay half your LP for Loading... then you can replace it with Loading... . In this case, also cut Malong, Aggregator, and Herald from the Extra Deck.


Here's how to get the cards:

  1. Start by purchasing 1 each of the Vortex of Magic and Spellbook of Prophecy structure decks to obtain Loading... , Loading... , and the Spellbook cards.

  2. Pull from the Knowledge of the Mythlords secret pack to obtain 3 Endymions, 1 Jackal King, and 1 Selene. (Hold onto additional copies of Jackal King, Cerberus, and Selene because most Endymion decks will use them.)

  3. Craft Astrograph, Electrumite, Loading... , and 3 Loading... . Unfortunately these are all mandatory, although you can replace Loading... with Loading... if you have it. If you're short on UR CP, then pull for Astrograph and Electrumite from their secret packs and dismantle any other URs you obtain.

  4. Add any Extra Deck staples that you already have! Loading... is the first priority since Link Summoning her is a great way to send Absolute Dragon to the GY.

40 cards
2 copies
Mythical Beast Jackal
Magicians' Souls
3 copies
Servant of Endymion
3 copies
Magical Abductor
Mythical Beast Garuda
Mythical Beast Jackal King
3 copies
Chronograph Sorcerer
Timegazer Magician
Astrograph Sorcerer
3 copies
Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic
Reflection of Endymion
Illusion of Chaos
3 copies
Spell Power Mastery
2 copies
Mythical Institution
3 copies
Allure of Darkness
3 copies
Into the Void
Magical Citadel of Endymion
2 copies
Extra-Foolish Burial
3 copies
Chicken Game
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
Heavymetalfoes Electrumite
Gravity Controller
Beyond the Pendulum
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
Geonator Transverser
Knightmare Phoenix
Berserker of the Tenyi
Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon
Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
Golden Cloud Beast - Malong
Mereologic Aggregator
Herald of the Arc Light
Norito the Moral Leader


Advanced Topics

As you've seen by now, Endymion is a fluid deck that plays every duel differently. Every opening hand requires improvisation, so this portion of the guide will not be a collection of 1-, 2-, and 3-card combos like many others. Instead it will cover additional options for deck building and advanced duel strategies for varying situations.


Included are the following subsections:

  • Optional Engines and Techs

    • Toon Engine
    • Sky Striker Engine
    • Kashtira Engine
    • Vaylantz Field Spells
  • Creating Additional Interruptions During the Opponent's Turn

  • Breaking the Opponent's Board

    • Nontargeting Removal
    • Nondestruction Removal
    • Removing an Unaffected Monster
  • Promethean Princess-Amblowhale Combo

  • Cross-Sheep Combo into Vortex Dragon

  • Magician's Restage Combo

  • White Forest Endymion Variant


Optional Engines and Techs

Toon Engine

Toon Table of Contents
Toon Dark Magician

Use Loading... to add another Contents to your hand. Repeat with the second copy, and then use the third copy of Contents to search Loading... . This gives you 3 Spell resolutions to generate Spell Counters and then a Level 7 body that can be Pendulum Summoned for Xyz/Link Material. Loading... is also DARK, which means all 3 copies of Contents represent fodder for Loading... .

Alternatively, you can search Loading... as a fourth Spell resolution and fodder for Loading... ' effect.


Sky Striker Engine

Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!
Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones
Sky Striker Mecha - Widow Anchor
Sky Striker Ace - Kagari

Use Engage to search Hornet Drones, which Summons a Sky Striker Ace Token that becomes material for Kagari. This triggers Kagari to return Engage to your hand, which then gets you Widow Anchor. This nets you 3 Spell resolutions and ideally 2 draws from Engage.

Opening with Hornet Drones still gets you 2 Spell resolutions and 2 bodies on the field. Widow Anchor is also a nice board breaker when going second.

The downside of this engine is the requirement for empty Main Monster Zones, so sequence your plays carefully. If setting Widow Anchor face-down, you can use Loading... to empty your Main Monster Zones during the opponent's turn.


Kashtira Engine

Kashtira Unicorn
Kashtira Fenrir
Pressured Planet Wraitsoth
Kashtira Birth
Sacred Sword of Seven Stars

Wraitsoth searches for Unicorn, which then searches for Loading... . Use Unicorn as Link Material or fodder for Loading... , and then revive it at your convenience with Birth for a free Loading... play into Loading... .

In a pinch, Birth also lets you Normal Summon Endymion or Reflection without Tributing. Loading... ideally banishes Unicorn or Fenrir after using their effects, but you can also banish Endymion, Reflection, or Loading... if needed.

Fenrir is not critical to the engine, but it's a solid opening play that forces out interaction while also adding Unicorn to your hand for your Pendulum Summon or Sacred Sword.


Vaylantz Field Spells

Vaylantz World - Shinra Bansho
Vaylantz World - Konig Wissen

Each Vaylantz Field Spell places the other on your opponent's field and allows each player to use both of their effects. Going first, this prevents your opponent from activating Loading... since they will control a card. Going second, it sends their current Field Spell to the GY.

Shinra Banso's effect is useful when going first or second, as it lets you Special Summon a monster from your Pendulum Zone. This can give you a material for Loading... , establish a negate (e.g. Jackal King or Endymion), or move a stuck/spare Loading... out of the Pendulum Zone.

Konig Wissen's effect is free nondestruction removal when going second, and you may even get to destroy one of their Spells/Traps at the same time.


  • Before ending your turn, it's ideal to get rid of your Vaylantz Field Spell (e.g. with Endymion's Pendulum Effect) and leave the other on your opponent's field. This prevents them from using Loading... and Loading... during their turn, and they won't be able to use their Vaylantz Field Spell's effect since you don't control a Field Spell.


Creating Additional Interruptions During the Opponent's Turn

Magister of Endymion
I:P Masquerena
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians

These 3 monsters each have Quick Effects that place additional interruptions on your field. Chain their effects directly to your last available negate, in order to ensure that you're always ready to negate your opponent's next effect before they have an opportunity to activate it.


Example for monster effects:

  1. Your opponent activates a monster effect and you Chain with your only copy of Loading... as Chain Link 2.
  2. Activate Magister's effect as Chain Link 3.
  3. When the Chain resolves, Magister Special Summons a second Jackal King from your deck, and then the previous Jackal King negates your opponent's monster effect.


Example for Spells/Traps:

  1. Your opponent activates a Spell/Trap and you Chain with your only copy of Loading... as Chain Link 2.
  2. Activate Selene's effect as Chain Link 3.
  3. When the Chain resolves, Selene Special Summons a second Endymion from your hand or GY, and then the previous Endymion negates your opponent's Spell/Trap.


Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic
Mythical Beast Jackal King

Selene's Quick Effect lets you reuse Endymion's and Jackal King's once-per-turn negate effects.


  1. Use Endymion's effect to negate a Spell/Trap, by returning to your hand a Jackal King or an Endymion that has already used its effect (or itself, if it has a Spell Counter).
  2. Toggle your Chain response "ON".
  3. Immediately after the Chain resolves, activate Selene's Quick Effect on a new Chain to Special Summon that same Jackal King or Endymion from your hand.


I:P Masquerena
Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon
Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon

In most cases, Vortex Dragon will be summoned during your own turn by using Absolute Dragon as material or destroying it with Endymion's Pendulum Effect. But by summoning Vortex Dragon during your opponent's turn, you can also trigger its effect to return an opponent's monster to the hand.

You simply need to summon Loading... without using Absolute Dragon as material, and instead use her Quick Effect to trigger Absolute Dragon's GY effect during the opponent's turn.



  1. End your turn with Absolute Dragon, Loading... , and Loading... .
  2. During your opponent's turn, they activate a monster effect.
  3. Activate Jackal King's effect as Chain Link 2 and Loading... 's effect as Chain Link 3.
  4. When the Chain resolves, Loading... Link Summons any Link-4 monster, and then Jackal King negates your opponent's monster effect.
  5. Trigger Absolute Dragon's effect on Chain Link 1 to Special Summon Vortex Dragon.
  6. Trigger Vortex Dragon's effect to return an opponent's monster to the hand.


IMPORTANT: Vortex Dragon's effect to bounce a monster is a "When… you can" effect, which means it will miss its activation timing unless Absolute Dragon's GY effect is Chain Link 1. Therefore, do not use Absolute Dragon as material for any monster with a mandatory on-summon effect — namely Loading... !


Breaking the Opponent's Board

Nontargeting Removal

Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic
Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World

The typical win condition on turn 2 is to resolve Endymion's Pendulum Effect after baiting your opponent's Spell disruptions.

Loading... will often provide all the Spell Counters you need, and Loading... and Loading... each generate twice as many Spell Counters as other cards do. Avoid letting your opponent know that you have Endymion, by searching/activating him later rather than earlier.

Loading... can shuffle away an opponent's card simply by crashing him into a stronger monster and not triggering his effect to gain ATK.

And of course, Underworld Goddess will always get rid of an opponent's monster if nothing else will.


Nondestruction Removal

Reflection of Endymion
Mythical Beast Master Cerberus
Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
Gravity Controller

Note that Reflection, Master Cerberus, and Vortex Dragon each target an opponent's monster or card. Master Cerberus is often used as Link Material, but remember to use his monster effect first if you have extra Spell Counters.

Loading... does not target, but only works on monsters in the opponent's Extra Monster Zone (e.g. Loading... and Loading... ).


Removing an Unaffected Monster

Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World

Avramax can battle over any opponent's monster that is unaffected by card effects, as long as that monster was Special Summoned.

An Endymion deck usually has no problem fielding enough materials for Underworld Goddess. Loading... and the other Charmer Link Monsters can get you to either of these starting with as few as 3 of your own monsters.


Promethean Princess-Amblowhale Combo

Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale
Spright Elf

The standard use for Princess is to net an additional +1 from the deck by reusing Electrumite's and Astrograph's effects. From here, it's usually preferable to summon Selene since she provides Spell Counters, points to 3 monster zones, and can often Special Summon another interruption duing the opponent's turn. However, this does leave you with no FIRE monsters, which means losing out on Princess's GY effect.

Alternatively, you can take a different play line that trades 1-2 negates for a 2-card destruction when the opponent Special Summons. Instead of having Electrumite destroy Princess, you can...


  1. Destroy a different card with Electrumite (ideally Loading... ) to retrieve a monster other than Astrograph — since the latter cannot activate while you control Princess.

  2. Use Electumite and Princess as material for Amblowhale.

  3. Use Endymion's Pendulum Effect to destroy Amblowhale, which triggers its effect to revive Electrumite. This not only gives you a FIRE monster for Princess's GY effect, but also lets you use Electrumite's effect a third time to retrieve Astrograph and trigger his effect.

  4. Be sure to end your turn with a FIRE Link Monster on your field — either Electrumite or Loading... .

  5. Finally, during the opponent's turn, trigger Princess's effect to destroy your FIRE Link Monster and an opponent's monster. This triggers Amblowhale's GY effect to destroy another card.


Cross-Sheep Combo into Vortex Dragon

Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon
Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians

This combo may come up for decks that include a Level 4 or lower non-Pendulum Spellcaster, since you'll need to revive it with Cross-Sheep's effect (hence it must be Level 4 or lower) and then use it as material for Selene (hence it must be a Spellcaster).


  1. Use 2 Level 7 monsters to Xyz Summon Loading... . (Should be easy after you've Pendulum Summoned.)
  2. Use Absolute Dragon and a third monster to Link Summon Loading... .
  3. Trigger Absolute Dragon's effect to Special Summon Loading... to a zone Loading... points to.
  4. Trigger Loading... 's effect to revive your Level 4 or lower Spellcaster.
  5. Use Loading... and the revived Spellcaster to Link Summon Loading... .


If Loading... was used as Xyz Material, then Selene can revive him immediately. If Loading... was used, then Selene can revive her during your opponent's turn and trigger her effect.

NOTE: Selene's effects are both soft once-per-turn. This means you can use the first copy of Selene to revive a Level 7 monster for Xyz Material at step 1 above, and then use that same Selene as material for Loading... at step 2. Finally, summon a second copy of Selene at step 5 and use her effect again to revive Endymion.


Magician's Restage Combo

Magicians' Souls
Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden
Crowley, the First Propheseer
Magician's Restage
Magician's Right Hand

This 2-card combo starts with Loading... and Loading... , and nets you a +3 by searching the Spellbook engine from your deck.


  1. Use Loading... ' effect to Special Summon itself.
  2. Use Souls to Link Summon Loading... .
  3. Activate Loading... and use its effect to revive Souls.
  4. Use Souls' effect to send Restage to the GY for a draw, then trigger Restage's effect to search Loading... .
  5. Use Artemis and Souls to Link Summon Loading... and trigger his effect to randomly add Loading... , Loading... , or Loading... to your hand.
  6. Two thirds of the time, you'll randomly add Magician or Secrets. Use one to search the other, and then use that to search Knowledge. Finally, use Knowledge to send Magician to the GY and draw 2 cards.


The result is Crowley, Right Hand, and 3 draws. One third of the time, you'll randomly add Knowledge instead. You can use it to send Crowley to the GY (instead of Magician), netting you the same result but without Crowley.


White Forest Endymion Variant

Elzette of the White Forest
Silvy of the White Forest
Rucia of the White Forest
Tales of the White Forest
Woes of the White Forest
Rciela, Sinister Soul of the White Forest
Silvera, Wolf Tamer of the White Forest
Diabell, Queen of the White Forest
Toy Box
Toy Soldier

With too many cards to be considered just an 'engine', White Forest Endymion is a seperate deck variant that gives you puts more bodies on your field and gives you access to a useful Synchro toolbox. Loading... adds Loading... or Loading... to your hand, and Loading... can Special Summon Loading... from the GY to trigger her effect during your opponent's turn. This variant can also field Loading... before summoning Loading... .

Most of the White Forest monster effects send a Spell/Trap to the GY for their cost, which works nicely with cards like Loading... and Loading... that Endymion decks already run. Although Loading... typically searches for a White Forest monster, it can also grab Garuda for an additional piece of interaction during your opponent's turn.

White Forest Endymion has a higher ceiling than pure Endymion, since the end board often includes Baronne de Fleur and you'll have Garuda in your hand more frequently. You also have the option of running Loading... (to Synchro Summon Silvera) as a piece of backrow interaction, instead of just relying on monsters. On the other hand, this variant is more prone to bricks since all the White Forest cards have hard once-per-turn effects. It also plays more poorly into monster effect negation and GY disruption, whereas pure Endymion can play more on the Spell axis and doesn't rely on the GY.



Spell Counter Rulings

  • If a card has its effects negated, then its Spell Counters are removed. However, it is still considered a "card that can have a Spell Counter" for Endymion's Pendulum Effect.


Pendulum Rulings

  • A Pendulum Monster Card in the Pendulum Zone is a Spell and not a monster. However it is still a "Monster Card", which refers to its original card type. This means that Loading... does gain Spell Counters when a Mythical Beast Monster Card in your Pendulum Zone is destroyed. It also means that Loading... 's effect can Chain to the activation of a card (or its effect) in your Pendulum Zone, and that Loading... can target a card in your Pendulum Zone. (Source)

  • Loading... only negates the effects of "monsters" with the same name as the banished card (not "Monster Cards"). It does not negate Pendulum Effects because cards in the Pendulum Zones are Spells and not monsters.

  • If a Pendulum Monster Card would be sent from the field to the GY, it goes to the Extra Deck face-up instead. While the effects of Loading... and Loading... are applied, Pendulum Monster Cards that would be sent from the field to the GY are banished instead of going to the Extra Deck. (Source)

  • You cannot attempt to send a Pendulum Monster Card from your field to the GY to pay a cost (e.g. Loading... ), since Pendulum Monster Cards on the field go to the Extra Deck instead of the GY.

  • You can attempt to send a Pendulum Monster Card from the field to the GY with a card effect (e.g. Loading... ), but it will still be sent to the Extra Deck instead. If you attempt to send a Spellcaster Pendulum Monster you control to the GY with Spellbook of Knowledge, then it goes to the Extra Deck instead and you do not draw 2 cards. (Source)


Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic

  • Loading... 's Pendulum Effect counts all cards you control with effects that allow them to have a Spell Counter. This includes cards whose effects are negated, even though they cannot currently have Spell Counters. (Source)

  • Endymion's Pendulum Effect does not count Mythical Beast cards in your Pendulum Zones. The Mythical Beast Pendulum Effects do not mention having Spell Counters, therefore they are not cards that can have a Spell Counter while in the Pendulum Zone. (Source)

  • When resolving Endymion's Pendulum Effect, you must attempt to destroy at least 1 card. You can select a card that cannot be destroyed by card effects (e.g. Loading... ) or a card that prevents its own destruction (e.g. Loading... ), in which case Endymion will not gain a Spell Counter.

  • If Endymion's Quick Effect does not return a card with a Spell Counter to the hand (e.g. you return Loading... to the Extra Deck instead), then it stops resolving at "and if you do" and does not negate the Spell/Trap activation. (Source)

  • If Endymion's Quick Effect negates a Spell/Trap activation but does not destroy it (e.g. the Spell/Trap is not on the field), then it stops resolving at "then" and Endymion does not gain Spell Counters.


Endymion's Aides

  • You can Special Summon multiple copies of Loading... simultaneously (e.g. by Pendulum Summon). The same is true for Loading... and Loading... , including by their own Pendulum Effects.

  • If Servant's Pendulum Effect gets negated or fails to Special Summon herself, then you can activate it again during the same turn — as long as you can pay its cost and have not already Special Summoned Servant that turn. The same is true for Reflection and Magister. (Source)

  • Loading... 's monster effect is mistranslated and deviates from Konami's "Problem-Solving Card Text" rules. It says to return "that opponent's card and your card" to the hand, however it will still return one target even if the other target is absent or cannot be returned. (Source)


Astrograph Sorcerer and Chronograph Sorcerer

  • You can trigger Loading... 's effect after Loading... adds it to your hand, even though Astrograph was not in your hand when your other card was destroyed by Electrumite. The same is true for Loading... 's effect. (Source)

  • You cannot activate both Astrograph's and Chronograph's effects on the same Chain. This is because of an obscure game mechanic that on a single Chain, each player can only activate one monster's Trigger Effect that can Special Summon itself from the hand.

  • Astrograph's effect can search a monster with the same name as a card in your either player's GY, face-up Extra Deck, or banishment that was destroyed this turn.

  • Astrograph's effect can only search a monster if there is a card with the same name in the GY, face-up Extra Deck, or banishment that got there by being destroyed. Example: if you destroy Loading... with his own effect, then Special Summon that same Cerberus with Loading... , and finally send Cerberus back to the Extra Deck as Link Material, then Astrograph's effect cannot search another copy of that Cerberus.


Magician's Right Hand

  • Loading... only counts your opponent's first Spell Card or effect that actually resolves. If you negate the activation of your opponent's Spell (e.g. with Endymion or Loading... ) then it will not resolve, so Right Hand will instead negate your opponent's next Spell Card or effect that resolves.



With no standard play line, and Spell Counters as an additional resource to keep track of, an Endymion deck can be intimidating at first. But after just a few duels, most players find its fluidity to be a refreshing change of pace from decks that perform that same combos every game. It prominently focuses on its own Endymion and Mythical Beast boss monsters while never locking you out of your favorite generic Link Monsters. It has the consistency of a 30-card deck and the luxury of multiple searchers for your key cards.

If that hasn't piqued your interest, then trust us when we say that resolving Loading... 's Pendulum Effect is one hell of a drug.


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