Leaks & Updates

Unconfirmed Leaks from Dkayed: Performage | March 20th, 2025


Leaks from

's sources have hinted at some new cards that are going to be available in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel's next Pack.


This information is UNCONFIRMED, so take it with a grain of salt. However, Dkayed's source has been correct on previous leaks so far.

Expected Cards

Performage Plushfire
Performage Fire Dancer
Performage Water Dancer
Performage Ball Balancer
Performage Cup Tricker
Performage Wind Drainer
Rank-Up-Magic Magical Force
Performage Trapeze High Magician
Performage Shadow Maker
Performage Trapeze Witch

YouTube Video

Previous Leaks

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