
Top 8 in Guild of Gurus (GoG) - Live Tourney#467 from on March 20th, 2025
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 510
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Plant best deck🖤

Combo Guide 50 Rikka Combo line: https://youtu.be/9Zori3LEcN4?si=NuHEZutkZ4GAj9pc🖤


making full rikka guide soon go over list and over everything with 160 combo. Probably going to call it GF ASMR teaching plant or smt.

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This season is the worst format for us so far 😭 😭 my wr drop from 67% to 58%

For now its the darkest time for 60c I switched to around 45c List posted on my discord.

Also for the combo guide I might just make a better one later on around june-july. will make combo cover play around ht and every starter/extender as much as possible so you don't have to think when climb ladder with plant just copy the combo :)

if you need any help just join my discord this website doesn't allow the link so click any video below there's probably link in description.

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Rikka Video in my channel🖤

Every Duel M5-M1:


Why 60c is not good anymore:


50 Rikka Combo Guide:
