Adventure Prank-Kids

Top 16 in Sep 2022 Meta Weekly from on September 4th, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 270
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck was made for consistency for turn 1 and 2. I have tried DPE package which I have a seperate version with it, the problem with DPE package now is that it reduces the consistency of the deck not by a lot but I choose to go with maximum consistency for this weekly.

With the banlist limiting Meow to 1 the deck now struggles to play second turn if board is broken and if I shuffle back the Meow first turn I lose a field wipe. To remedy this problem I play 3 nemeses Corridor which will put it back in the extra deck also Corridor allow me to put up a TD Colossus first win win.

Lastly, Called by the grave in Standby to stop bow-wow is annoying so I opted to play TD Fusion which works with the deck. to search Nemeses Corridor or a prank turn 2 and it give me butler from my turn one.

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