Notes & Combos
I reached D.Lv MAX with this deck.
Closed Forest may look missplaced here but it has proven to be a pretty good counter against the new Runic and Labrynth cards which make up 50% of the matches in the current Duelist Cup. Twin Twisters, Cosmic Cyclone and Harpie's Feather Duster also help you to pretty much negate their gameplan and destory their boards. I usually go for their Field Spell to floodgate their engine if you didn't pull Closed Forest first turn. Closed Forest + Masquerade on the field pretty much lets them kill themselves if you manage to keep Masquerade up through Cards like Branded Opening or Mercourrier or you can simply go for another summon through Branded in Red.
I usually go for Mirror Jade first turn through either Lubellion or Albion. Lubellion is prefered so you can go for Ad Libitum if you use Despian Tragedy as material. You can then banish something useless on the field like Aluber or Springans Kitt and get yourself Branded in Red on the field via Albion Graveyard effect.
If you go against Runic players you should keep Closed Forest + Masquerade on the field at all cost. Use your spell/trap destoyers to keep them from using their Field Spell.