
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 18th, 2025
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

My first DLvl Max, and from a Blue-Eyes main, having room for around 19 handtraps feels incredible.

Ran as midrange control, the deck plays well under Fuwa, and can set some decent interruptions up without playing too hard into Maxx C.

Outside of basic combos, 2 important notes everyone should know:

  • With the new Blue-Eyes Link, both Veiler and Droll can be solid back-up normal summons. Useful in the early to mid game to make Spheres, and useful late game to summon a vanilla and Maiden after True Light has been popped.

  • The deck definitely can still brick (suspicious number of games drawing both Roar and Majesty in the opener, turning Wishes off). However, opening a vanilla, the notorious brick of yesterday, works as an extender now, allowing Mausoleum to target Maiden instead of LinkSpirit. Without Master or Synchro Rumble, Maiden's effect when targeted is one of the best ways to make double Spirit Dragons, or a Spirit + Spheres.

Otherwise, for this list, the Extra is where i believe the most improvement can be made. Kuibelt was useful twice, and the 3rd og Spirit maybe once. Chaos Angel was also less impactful than I imagined. For replacements, a 2nd Neo Ult, SP, and Baronne are all solid options.

Hope the list helps, have fun!

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ID: 164-757-325

Replays are updated regularly, with the exception of my oldest 2, and all current replays should be this list until Primite arrives. Enjoy!