
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 17th, 2025
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 570
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Classic airpods deck inspired by Joshua Schmidt's list. Do not play this deck if you value your sanity.

Pros: Causes rage quits, people surrender because they think you're tenpai, coin toss doesn't matter

Cons: Loses against decks that aren't proactive, hand dependent, not great against anti meta (stun, kash, etc)

Most hands can beat up on FS / Azamina / WF piles unless they get every starter. I surprisingly did not have much issue with tenpai even though I suspect the matchup is difficult.

ED Slots:

Non-Negotiable: Almiraj, Assault Stardust, Stardust, Baronne, Both S:Ps

Cards I would not cut: Silvera, M7, Zeus, TY-PHON, Seals

Cards you can play instead: Generic rank 6, Generic Synchro 8, Spright Elf, Gigantic Spright, Herald of the Arc Light, Crocodragon

If I had to do this again I would probably cut down on Retaliating C and Hop Ear. Retaliating is more niche than was expected and hurts us more than it hurts our opponents sometimes (turns off veiler and potentially bystials). It is good for pushing damage though. Hop Ear is bad if you don't have a bystial and we don't really want cards that don't do anything on their own.

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