Galaxy Tachyon

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 19th, 2025
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 210
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The Duel Links menace invades Master Duel!

Chose to max out on Nebula/Spiral instead of adding more Bystials as they give you the most gas possible to play through interrupts. Nebula can also get out the commonly ashed Schwarz and its GY eff to recur Seyfert/Cloud is really nice both for the grind or to pair with Droplets.

Dark End replaces Lubellion as the 8 extender as it's a bit more flexible and can turn 4s like an impermed Cloud into r8 material. Also gets to threaten a pop sometimes.

1 Primal, 2 Trans, and no Afterglow/Gepd package to avoid unecessary bricks. The idea of drawing Primal when you need to resolve Cloud and don't have 7th to put it back sounds scary but is very niche compared to the amount of times it would show up in your hand and do nothing. Instead of going for a third Trans I just add a 7th for followup. And then Prime Photon just seems like Numeron Dragon with extra steps.

Haven't needed a second 107 but I could see it coming up over Typhon who rarely did anything. Zeus did actually show up sometimes though, either on later turns or when stealing with talents.

Random Shifter because it often hurts your opponent more than it hurts you. You still set up an endboard of N38+Trans or a Numeron otk under it.

Nonengine can be played around with. Talents over Cbtg/Crossout because it's more fun :D. (Also better going second and against Maxx/Fuwa you can set up Trans in only 1-2 draws.) Imperm over something like Fuwa for being usable going first, Droplets for the synergy with our GY recursion, and Magnamhut because Dragon.

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