
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 17th, 2025
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 420
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Personally, I wouldn't recommend this deck at least until we get the rest of the Fiendsmith engine. That said, the deck isn't as anti-synergistic as most people would think. Caesar is a good insurance policy against Nibiru as always (but doesn't hurt to keep it as a Crossout target), Desirae's negate can win games on its own, and the engine itself is great Ash bait if you have full Kash combo ready and waiting. Also, a reminder that Theosis only locks you after using it, so if you can go full FS combo as well as full Kash, you can but just make sure to summon your Unicorn/Fenrir/Ogre before committing to the Lurrie line. If you don't know the fear of Nib, you can go Beatrice instead of Caesar to set up a Birth revive. If I were to cut a card, that most likely would be Typhon in favor of Baronne, Chenying, or even Dis Pater. Desirae could maybe be cut too if you use the engine for the Rank 6's only.

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