
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 20th, 2025
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I haven't played Numeron in a bit and wanted to try the Slash Draw + Rainbow Bridge searcher package. I wasn't really vibing with Maxx C + Fuwalos, at least when paired with the Sky Striker package, so I just trimmed down to 40 and tossed in Ultimate Slayer: I don't think the non-Numeron slots in the ED are that important outside of having a link to end on in MP2 and a link that can self-clear, and overall I'm pretty happy with that Slayer.

The other Slayer, Starslayer Ty-PHON less so, though that's probably circumstantial. I think my running no out-of-engine handtraps meant far fewer chances of being able to use Ty-PHON as a low-investment board breaker or stall button. I still like having it as a last-ditch option that can potentially self-clear or recycle Lava Golem but it's definitely the slot I least like.

Life Hack is just funny. I wasn't originally sold on it because of how it borders win-more and how it's not directly searchable (especially versus fellow blind-seconders passing on empty boards which blanks Slash Draw and Thrusting for Burial Goods). But I did usually appreciate it when I could find it. Since it's not a board breaker I don't think I could justify two in 40, but I do think it's fun and quite nice not having to gamble taking multiple turns against certain big boards.

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