Notes & Combos
Worst Hands with One Starter:
Scareclaw Combo:
Play any SC into Link‑1 to search for your Field Spell (Riseheart, or Starfrost if needed). Options: If a level‑3 SC is in the GY, search for Twin Saw or Defanging. If you only have two monsters on the field, search for Arrival. Transition into Link‑3 to set a trap or spell.
Visa + 1 SC: Use SC in Link‑1 to fetch the Field Spell for Reichheart. Before playing Reicheart, summon Visa (using Link‑1 in defense) and retrieve Link‑1 from the GY to summon Reichheart. Follow up with Baron, Twin Saw, and Astroulord for turn 2.
Samsara Alone: Play Samsara into Link‑1 then Reichheart. Retrieve Samsara with Arrival and transition into Chaos Archfiend, which—if not negated—brings Chaos Angel and Astroulord from the GY.
Good Combos with Additional Cards:
With a Unicorn on the field (watch for XYZ lock), you can launch a full Scareclaw combo. Then opt for a Kashtira combo or search for/summon Rebirth. Example: Unicorn → Kashtiratheosis → Fenrir → Riseheart → banish Rebirth, summon your XYZ, then use Link‑3 to get SC Kashtira and Banish Theosis to retrieve Rebirth, locking 2–3 opponent zones. Optionally, have Baron to omni-negate Raigeki.
Optimal Going Second: Have Thrust, Tactics, or Raigeki in hand. Run the Scareclaw combo with Visa, Reichheart, or Samsara in the GY as backup if negated. Bait a negate with Link‑1, then re-summon Link‑1 using its effect again. If negated, transition into Closed Heaven to summon another body and Tribute two opponent monsters, setting up Nightmare Goddes. If not, proceed with Reichheart, Chaos Angel, and Astrolord, then use Tactics or Thrust. Reichheart’s hidden effect to draw an extra card (when three monsters are in Defense) can be game-deciding.
Check my profile for replays: ID:013-355-001