Notes & Combos
Going into this Duelist Cup, I specifically wanted to play a deck which didn't lose to the many anti-Fiendsmith tech cards flying around. Snake-Eye Fire King isn't a perfect answer by any means. But I feel it fulfilled that role adequately, while still having the power to compete with the meta.
In the spirit of playing well into common tech cards, I decided to omit the Azamina engine. While it offers both power and consistency, I did not feel losing harder to both Droll and Retaliating “C” (as well as being generally worse going second) was worth the tradeoff.
The main selling point of the deck for me was Fire King Sky Burn. Which was, hands down, the most useful card throughout the entire climb. It seems like just about every deck has something important to pop. Also with the large number of Exodia players running around, it served as an essential answer to Macro Cosmos. The most common application though, was as a conservative play when hit with Maxx “C”. Ponix + Sky Burn pass felt surprisingly good, and gave me a chance in a lot of games I should really have lost on the spot.
For the ratios: I feel that two Ulcanix was enough, even with only two, she did clog my hand a few times. And Sinful Spoils of Subversion worked well as an in-engine out to problematic cards. I opted for more generically useful hand-traps, because the meta of Duelist Cup was surprisingly diverse. I really liked Ghost Ogre: hitting True Light was nearly instant victory, it has great value versus Azamina, works against Millenium, and theoretically can be used to defeat Apollousa or I:P. I played Duelittle Chimera for access to combo lines which don’t use I:P, and hence don’t lose to Bystials. And I would play a second Princess over Zombie Vampire, it never came up even once for me.
Overall it was a pretty fun climb. I felt like I had a chance in nearly every game (except when my hand-trap got called-by’d). Although I’m starting to get tired of people playing decks that are so heavily slanted towards going first. So hopefully Konami does something to solve the situation soon. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this far. And if you have any questions about the deck, please don't be afraid to ask.
018-233-246 Full disclosure, I am still fairly new to SEFK, so there will be misplays. Also I am planning to upload more replays to Youtube. But I've never done anything with video editing before, and need some more time to figure it out. The video should be finished next week, and I will leave a comment with the link when it is.