Notes & Combos
Tachyon is here and it is a big buff to pure Tellarknights!
Seventh Tachyon lets us search for basically any engine monster, allowing us to grab whatever we need between Lyran and another Tellarknight like Unukalhai or even Deneb. The idea here is that the combination of Lyran+Tellar is very good at pushing through disruptions, and 7th Tachyon increases by a lot the chances to open such hands. Additionally, I wanted 7th to also work as a 1 card combo, so I added a tiny Madolche here.
The reason is simple: I wanted a 1 card combo that required no bricks and could be searched out of Tachyon. I belive that right now, only Madolches can do that, as Aratama cannot be searched by 7th Tachyon and other engines (like Trickstar) require the use of bricks which I really tried to cut in this list (Petingcessoeur is still a solid extender, despite not being the best).
As a result, the consistency is nice and you can still play 19 non-engine as shown here. I originally had a 3rd imperm over Purulia but then I thought that 1 Purulia is a nice non engine card that nets you a draw or two and is a level 4 (so you can safely combo with just a Saki/ZS/Rota/7th + Mulcharmy). Yes, Mulcharmies also help with consistency technically and from time to time they turn bricks into playable hands. Wouldn't go over 1 tho.
Playing 7th Tachyon also means that now I rely a lot more on my Tellarknights and a lot less on the generic extender and Aratama-like cards. This brings back the possibility to play Skybridge - which is otherwise pretty mediocre nowdays. Still a cuttable card, but I found it quite nice to open so why not.
About the extra deck: this is supposed to be more of a "midrange" Tellar list, so the endboard is not busted but still good enough to win you the game. Turnskip is possible, but not good. Pleiades did a lot better than I expected: Ptol is actually the main plan under Fuwalos/Maxx C, (Bagooska isn't that good rn). However, ending on Ptol+non engine/Tellar spells and perhaps an Altairan in gy giving usually 1 draw is quite nice and it can work. While you usually prefer summoning Durendal after a full combo, I did end up summoning Pleiades a lot more. One thought I had was to cut Durendal or Pleiades to fit in Tiara Fraise (perhaps increasing the number of Madolche cards as well), as she's a Ptol rank-up, but I never had the courage to try.
It was a tough grind admittedly. It will get easier with some future indirect support, but the deck is already good AND fun!