
Duelist Cup Stage 2 Win Streaks from on March 23rd, 2025
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 450
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck Strategy:

1、Centur-Ion Primera tests the opponent’s hand traps. If its effect resolves: you get either 1 banish or 1 Counter Trap. Even if negated, no loss.

2、After baiting their disruption window, go into Primathmech Alembertian to start the Mathmech line (See standard line).

3、If you have three Level 4 monsters:

Xyz Summon ZS - Utopic Sage → Special Summon ZS - Ascended Sage.

Overlay ZS - Utopic Sage into Xyz Armor Fortress (See standard line).

Use ZS - Ascended Sage + a Level 4 to Special Summon Number 39: Utopia → overlap Number S39: Utopia One → Rank-Up into Number 99: Utopic Dragonar.

Next turn: Number 99 Special Summon Number 38: Hope Harbinger or Number 4: Stealth Kraken.

4、If only two Level 4 monsters:

Overlay into Number 39: Utopia Double → Activate effect to Special Summon Number 99.

Next turn: Proceed to Number 38 or Number 4.

Number 4: Stealth Kragen is key against Fiendsmith and Tenpai decks.

Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray equips ZW - Eagle Claw, which both patches defensive traps and fuels Centur-Ion True Awakening as cost.

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