Notes & Combos
Azamina Earthbound
The strongest Earthbound variant by far in both the event and on ladder currently, it's just got really awesome synergy with earthbound due to giving you consistent free access to Diabellstar (DARK lvl7 is an amazing statline) and a free omni negate alongside several ways to ignore and play through nibiru
Also it gives you something good to do with your earthbound 1.5card combo and a hand with only 2 earthbounds
It's a little hard to say anything about this deck without making a BIG yap about it so I'm currently making a full guide to the deck at, it'll realistically take me a couple more weeks to write and even longer to do the voice parts and the editing so be patient
Here's the combo guide, unfinished except for the main Azamina Earthbound combos and the 1card combos, this sheet gives way more context on what's so great about this variant of Earthbound, I spent a lot of time on it so please give it a read:
In the meanwhile whilst you're waiting for the full guide to Azamina earthbound you can watch the replays at 609-656-696