
Legend Anthology from on February 13th, 2025
cp-ur 390 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

pretty standard marincess list, adjusted the ratios to my personal taste. I like only 1 copy of aqua angel since we've got plenty of ways to accesss it and it's once per duel anyway. you can use more if you prefer. as for the techs, santa is pretty normal as your kaiju to out exodia, but prohibit snake is an old card that i've developed a liking to after it saved me a lot of games when i was grinding fresh accounts on the salamangreat structure deck. it's a non target bounce that gives you an extra way to out exodia that's also searchable off cynet mining if you baited out the negate with something else. moreover, it's also gy recovery when you destroy something by battle so that's pretty nice too.

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