Notes & Combos
I loved the Exodia Loaner Simulator!!!! 😁
I would've played more hand traps like Phantazmay, Veiler or even Skull Meister expecting the event to be full of Marincess F2P andies (as is the usual case with low power format events) but everyone and their mom was playing Exodia loaner like the boring sheeple they are so I fit my non-engine to not let them play.
Cosmics are very good against their summons from backrow and Wedju Temple both 1st and 2nd. The Cosmics paired with Harpie's and Heavy Storm were also good for just turning their backrow off before I started playing. Red Reboot was another strong option to stop their board wipes from happening since they're auto-wins against combo decks like mine.
Santa Claws is the only way to instantly out Exodia since it doesn't care about Raigeki. T.G. Glaive Blaster also counters Exodia just by breathing since I can just banish it and their turn is over lmao.
I also kept 2 D.D. Crow just to specifically deal with the Millennium version of Blue-Eyes from disrupting me. Was very useless otherwise.
Other than Exodia counter memes, the deck felt pretty fun. Negating twice with Blazar because Glaive Blaster can re-summon it once from banish pile is very cool. The summon negate came in clutch against cringe monsters like D-HERO Plasma. I even got to stop Numeron, Watt and Timelord from doing battle phase bs with Blazar and Shooting Star Dragon T.G. EX.