Adventure Phantom Knights

Master I from on February 8th, 2025
cp-ur 1230 + cp-sr 600
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Another month, another new engine for PK to abuse.

Fiendsmith is the latest generic engine to go for. Unlike Horus, it doesn't help you get into PK plays as easily (in fact, in this list, it's designed to always go into Apollousa), but it gives you a lot of followup, and helps the deck's floor by making generic link payoffs easier if you get handtrapped.

Also, Lacrima dealing burn damage helps a lot with OTKing without Arc Rebellion.

As always, I like playing the Bystials, since everyone is on Fiendsmith, they are excellent handtraps, and Branded Regained helps you stay ahead in the grind game.

Also, thankfully, there's almost no Tenpai on ladder left, so I don't think it's necessary to play any Tenpai counters.

I did miss Forbidden Droplet, I am heavily considering adding it. It helps with breaking the big boards all the decks make currently, and if you get stopped by handtraps, you can set it as a backup.

Also, I never made Desirae a single time, if you want to copy the list, you can probably swap it. It's better once main deck Lacrima releases.

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MD ID: 439-125-078

The latest replays are for this deck, otherwise you can find my replays on this playlist: