Adventure Prank-Kids

Master I from on February 15th, 2025
cp-ur 1320 + cp-sr 360
60 cards

Notes & Combos

I was trying to see which of my rogue decks I could insert the new fiendsmith engine into, I've tried it on the grass shiranui zombie, tribrigade harpie, swordsoul, etc. Then eventually ended with this monstrosity. I could not believe how quickly this decktook me through ranking. Suprisingly consistent considering this is a non-grass 60 cards deck.

Dont think I need to explain the combos here, just some handtraps and splashable engines in a prank kids deck (if one could still call this a prank kids deck :) )

This is a deck with plan B,C, and D. Full of engines that can eat up multiple handtraps. My usual priority is adv engine first, then fiendsmith, then horus, then prank kids last. And always finish with a Dragoon on board, prank kid's prank will draw you a card by the end so no worries even if you end your turn with empty hand. All the engines here are one card starter that doesn't lock you into anything nor uses normal summon, thus allowing you finish it up with the prank kids combo. Going second is not that bad, but if you don't draw into enough handtraps, going second against a negate heavy board could be tough. I did not matched with a single trap heavy deck, otherwise I think this deck will really struggle against. Veiler over imperm because backrow is crowded, you'll easily ended up with 5. (2 advs, 2 prank kids, and 1 horus), so imperm is pretty useless going first. With veiler you could draw it with prank kid's kid at the end of your turn.

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