
Master I from on February 10th, 2025
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 450
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Stats: W/L 25-11

Only lost twice going 2nd in 36 games which I think is impressive but that also means 9 of my losses were going first. I mainly lost to Tenpai or Maxx C. The only deck that beat me more than once was Tenpai sacking me. The Stats are from Master 4 onwards.

The Deck Branded Despia:

  • The deck going 2nd was kinda broken, Maxx C, Fuwa and the Bystials killed everyone.
  • The deck actually struggled more going first, Winning after getting Maxx C was hard and sometimes your hand just gets stopped by Imperm.
  • Maxx C and Tenpai are the main reason my winrate going first isnt higher so I'm gonna adjust the deck with that in mind. You can full combo under Fuwa and you should still win.
  • The issue is the best non-engine against FS is the worst against Tenpai.
  • Proskenion is a flex spot right now. I need to test Dragostapelia
  • Was sad to cut 2nd Quem but win rate did improve because games are just decided so fast
  • Side deck is other cards I used or am considering
  • Overall this deck is actually crazy once I fix the Maxx C & Tenpai lines.

Feel free to ask me any questions, check out some of my replays theyre all satisfying.

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ID: 423-855-345