Notes & Combos
Less fire. More Light and Dark to banish. This deck perform better on current meta rather than previous one.
In term of power level, yes this deck not have super strong end board like snake-eye/yubel fiendmisth and their variants. But we have enough distruption to stop their combos.
Game plan of the deck is "stop" your opponent to build the board or at least make it as weak as possible. Bcs all of their end board are way too strong for going 2nd to survive.
"No matter how strong the end board, we can beat them if they couldnt make it"
i hate waiting for long combos just to lose next turn. if opponent goes full combo wombo, just surrender. this way, we waste less time and also less stress since we no need to think about how we break the board. We dont do it here.
Also, the most important is this deck not lose to maxx c, mulchurmies, droll. I still won games even though opp maxx c + fuwa resolved.
Replays : 971-400-804