Notes & Combos
Really goes to show you can still M1 with anything. To M3 in the old, to M1 in the new format.
Finally dropped the Aegirine in favor of Kragen. The latter solos most Tenpai starters, and you can't make Requiem with a WATER Fiend.
Nib was honestly terrible, don't think anyone I Nibed even cared, just here for Crossout and to draw of Maxx "C".
Aqua Angel tells you exactly what to make and when to negate, if they have Nib etc. So going first, I only really ever lost to Maxx "C" and subsidiaries. Going second this is weaker than the Aegirine version, but I really don't want to sacrifice consistency for more handtraps.
A popular solution is to run double Reef, but the amount of times I look at an opponents hand and the only solution is "unaffected Argonaut" is still high enough to dissuade me from that option.