Notes & Combos
Plant best deck🖤
Combo Guide 50 Rikka Combo line:🖤
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If you have any question my youtube is SquirrelWillEatCat Discord: .punn. instagram: p.xnn._
Master 5- Master 1 30-17 Wr 63.87% climb on Feb 4
I just made my discord server for my YT channel if you want to join: invalid url
On 23 Non-engine rn removed 2x bloom and butterfly.
I only faced 2 VV so 3 Fuwa is good we can discard it with blend.
This season I will play alot on rating and try out different decklist after fiendsmith came will keep on update in my discord/YT channel.
Also for the combo guide I might just make a better one later on around june-july. will make combo cover play around ht and every starter/extender as much as possible so you don't have to think when climb ladder with plant just copy the combo :)
Rikka Video in my channel🖤
Every Duel On M5-M1:
50 Rikka Combo Guide: