Ritual Beasts

Master I from on February 17th, 2025
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 360
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Didn't like Fiendsmith-Azamina piles so I chose to climb with my favorite deck. I ironically had a much better win rate playing RB than with the FS piles lol. Overall, I feel like this deck is still around tier 3, just underepresented imo.

We run droll as a crossout target because everyone and their moms are running it. Bagooska is really clutch as a plan B when we can't play under roach, droll or the charmies. For changes, I'd swap zefrapilica for pettlephin, imperm with book of eclipse and maybe cut 1 copy of nochi for another rei.

If you can't push for lethal, try to clear as much of the board as you can then make rei and a floodgate OR you can checkmate with gaiapelio if you have enough RB cards in your hand.

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I probably misplayed in the grind game since I'm always low on time :3