Notes & Combos
Stun is still here. Took some experimenting and adjusting but it took me around 6 to 7 hours to climb from M5 to M1 (and I was stuck in M3 for a while, which you can see on Stream). You might see some cards I tried to play in the video that didn't make the final cut.
The biggest Changes of the deck:
-2 Raigeki
-1 Harpie Feather Duster
+2 Ra Sphere
+1 Water Kaiju
Endboards summon to many negates to play Board Breakers so we need to Tribute monsters of the field now.
-3 Luna
+3 Water Statue
Luna just doesn't have the impact, and the effect can be negated. Playing more Statues brings more of a floodgate
-2 Iron Thunder
+2 Golgonda
Iron Thunder mostly comes up unfortunate and will destroy our own monsters while preventing destruction. Golgonda will have the same effect and hopefully protect our Statues from battle Destruction.
Season 38 Master 1:
Season 38 Master 1 Livestream:
The aim is always to upload Quality Duels in terms of:
- Going 2nd
- Unorthodoxy
- Educational
Master Duel ID
Sometimes I have Spoilers here, but once it's on YT it's gone.