White Forest Azamina

Master I from on February 28th, 2025
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Summary below. Important stuff here:

  • The lack of Fiendsmith means the list can be kinda woobly. You just gotta go on intuition a lot of the time. Figure out what gameplan based on your current hand is the strongest and bait your opponent into stopping everything else first.
  • If you get the read going first that your opponent is playing Snake-Eye Fiendsmith getting out Saint Azamina becomes a much higher priority. Oak targets, Poplar targets, Engraver targets, Lacrima targets, S:P targets, you get the point.
  • Don't forget Morrian can only flip special summoned monsters. Priority Morrian hits are Lurrie, Chundra, and Azamina Elzette.
  • Don't worry about Sinful Spoils of the White Forest's effect unless you have a Synchro and a Fusion on field. It can just be used either as Azamina fodder or to toss twice for White Forest. This changes if you're running Guardian Chimera, but I have other high-roll boards I prefer to end on.
  • If your opponent uses 2 handtraps on you and you have a Bystial then making Omega and Dis Pater will win the game on the spot a lot of the time. Try to plan your turn around this if possible.
  • If you have Azamina Determination set then don't reset Deception in End. At worst its an Ilia, at best its a near-full Azamina board through Saint.
  • If your opponent has S:P and you have a Bystial and a Tuner, just make Chaos Angel. Don't do any other effects between summoning the Bystial and summoning Angel. If you have Azaminas/Diabellstar you can do that after you've cleaned out their board/set up battle protection for yourself.

Around M3 this deck basically turned into Azamina Turbo. The only Synchro I summoned in the entirety of M2 was Chaos Angel. People kept playing around White Forest Synchro lines, so I just stopped making the White Forest Synchros. Sometimes people would rip a bunch of handtraps and I would hit them with the Omega + Dis Pater combo and handloop them down to 0. Fun times.

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