
Master I from on March 18th, 2025
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 630
47 cards

Notes & Combos

First time playing Chimera so I'm still learning the niche lines, deck is very strong even at a beginner level though. Mainly picked it because of it's ability to play into Maxx C pretty well as well as not being awful going second. Played a lot of decks this season but after falling to M5 from M2 on warrior piles due to bad hand trap streaks, I took Chimera from M5 to M1 in 2 days.

List will prob change a bit as I get better at it, extra deck is really tight with these so it's hard to decide what to run. Tempted to take Sol out for Aerial Eater or Duke of Demise but he's def nice going second. Sol into Guardian Chimera is really good, especially if you can chain link block both of them.

Also consider cutting ash to get the deck size down. I don't think it's that good atm but I just haaaaaaaaaate losing to Maxx C lol... may as well be a 1 card exodia these days since the result is the same.

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youtube: (no chimera content up yet, got replays tho!)