
Master I from on March 20th, 2025
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 600
44 cards

Notes & Combos

I have only just gotten into master duel so bear with me a little when it comes to lingo and such. Meta was definately on my side

  • Labrynth cards: Usual technique for the turn 3-4 games

    • Stovie/Chandraglier: Maximum to toss Transaction Rollback into the grave. (Having them in hand always did more good than harm. I've only set them when its my BW go through or I die)
    • Arias: Mainly came in handy as handtrap for going 2nd.
      • Ariane: I just added it in Master 3 to clear out trasaction that is set, cause I had to keep setting them incase of tenapi wiping my spell/trap zone. Most optional card in the deck.
  • Trap Cards

    • Eradicator Epidemic Virus: Most of the time, you get stopped by hand trap, but if you can get it activate during standby of turn 2, I say 70% you win fairly easily

    • Different Dimension Ground: My god is this card good. Stoped most decks during my climb. Main card to stop opponent during their turn.

    • Infinite Impermanence: Never helped as handtrapto stop opponent's turn. Mostly used to turn off opponent engine after clearing their spells with 'Virus'.

    • Trap Trick: Aside from the obvious use, a must in the deck against 'duster/storm'; use it to set transaction so you have trasaction in grave to atleast to do something

    • Daruma Cannon: Same use as 'Different Dimension Ground'

    • Simultaneous Equation Cannon: Crux of this deck, learn it or this deck doesn't work.

    • Solemn Judgment: Added during the climb around Master 3. Its use it niche, but came in handy time to time. (Definitely can do with 1 or without)

    • Rivalry of Warlord/Skill Drain: It was sad to add them, but their effectiveness cannot be matched. Just flip it and possibly insta win.

  • Extra Deck

    • Chaos Angel: Big body, came in handy during 'skill drain'.

    • Used rank 2~5 for XYZ (SEC) instead of 3~6.

      More often than not, I SEC early and having 1 lower number to hit the board (eg. targeting level 6, I can hit it with 8 total cards instead of 9) came in so~ handy. Last season when I joined yubel / Centurion were main problem with SEC with their high levels, but I rarely find need to hit level 9/10/11/12 monsters on board this season.

  • Side Deck

    • Anti-Spell Fragrance: Floodgate. Became less effective once I hit master compared to 'rivalry'
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ID: 832-321-781