Notes & Combos
Reached Top 500 in the Duelist Cup. Peaked at 43k points (180th place), but in the last 15 duels my opponents started manifesting Red Reboot and Duster in every hand, so I finished at 34k points (477th).
Post DC I have replaced the Imperms with Solemn Strikes because going second they had almost no impact on the opponents' end boards. It's usually better to resolve Equation Cannon on a full board with Solemn Strike or Judgement negating whatever the opponent chains. Strike also helps with Ash on the Welcome Traps. Ultimately, it's choosing 4 slots out of:
- 2x Imperm (going second)
- 2x Solemn Strike (negate Ash, monster effects on traps)
- 2x Solemn Judgement (negate Duster, Red Reboot, Counter Traps in Stun Decks)
Going first:
- Can win against any meta deck if hand is decent
- Against Tenpai, turbo out D-Barrier (ignore playing into Charmies/Maxx C) and they usually lose. If their Field Spell is up, Daruma is also great. Occasionally, Ice Dragon's Prison can banish Chundra and that's GG's.
Going second:
- Plays pretty well into Snake-Eye Fiendsmith due to their lack of backrow negates
- Summon TY-PHON to force either Promethean or SP, so they cannot SP banish backrow (Promethean blocks the SP summon)
- Set 5, GG
- Generally auto-loses against Exodia Obliterate and White Forest Azamina boards
Replays: 411-936-699