Notes & Combos
The List gets a revamp with the addition of Elzette+Rciela which provides:
- Easier access to the Diabellstar package (a lv7 body + Jet)
- More combo routes to make speeder (Ex: Rite+Ash, Revol+ Elzette, StarRon+Elzette...etc)
- A target to create chainblock to protect Speeder from Ash
Additionally as Droll is super popular in this meta CD isn't the primary option anymore after getting hit by Maxx C/Fuwalos. It is better to set a compromised board of Winged beast(Fuwalos/Gryphon/Cyber Slash)+set HFS(usually via Thrust) in this case if possible.
After incorporating Elzette/Rciela and the HFS package there is no more room in the EX deck for Jet Warrior so Overtake is replaced by Tuning as a way to search out our tuners in this build.
791-005-150 (will update replays later)