White Forest Azamina

Master I from on March 25th, 2025
cp-ur 1290 + cp-sr 390
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Decided to play Saint Azamina because I like the card which is why Queen is also there just so I have more Spoils to fuse with, Saint won me a few games either using its damage reflect or just walling Tenpai if they didn't have droplet/Raigeki, wanted to play Moa Regina as well but the extra deck is so tight I couldn't fit it.

Kashtira cards just provide a little extra power especially Unicorn banishing from ED or being able to bridge into Fiendsmith with Birth, Kash + Fiendsmith managed to soak up most handtraps before starting the WF lines.

Some changes to be considered:

Guardian Chimira was the least used ED card, S:P is probably more consistent/better but the card has saved me before so decided to keep it, didn't really come up this climb.

Saint Azamina is just a personal preference, again S:P is probably more consistent here and would also mean you can cut Queen from main deck.

Queen could be swapped for Droll as a crossout target as the deck is extremely weak to droll and droll is good in the mirror/against other meta decks.

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