White Forest Azamina

Master I from on March 24th, 2025
cp-ur 1290 + cp-sr 390
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Same deck I used to get to M5, might seem a bit weird being 44 instead of 40 but I simmed starting hand for going first and second 50 times between this and the 40 card version I have and this one had better results, since I removed the kashtira engine to do this.

The one droll and ogre are mostly there for crossout targets since droll kills the deck and ogre on deception isn't fun.

A lot of lists don't include the 2 extra traps but being an extra target for white forest cards, as well as giving some extra targets for searches when you already have Hallowed and Sinfuls in hand to try and bait out some negates, or if not it just adds to your potential disruptions.

Kashtira is just nice for extra bodies, being a 2 card combo with any other normal summon to get full fiendsith into beatrice and spright for full combo from there. Also is good bait for handtraps. If I get Unicorn or Pressured Planet in opening hand I always start with it, if you open with main starters it can lead to an early apo, or if you get maxx ced or fuwaed, you still have a good body on field. There were several times against tenpai that the 2 extra deck rips from unicorn on my turn then theres won me the duel after being maxxed/fuwaed.

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