Notes & Combos
Deck felt pretty good climbing from Diamond 5 to Master 1. In terms of handtraps: Droll & Lock Bird is amazing. Almost every single deck that I've used Droll against either passed turn or ended on a really poor board. Veiler was also really good, not once per turn negate in case we draw many, but do keep in mind its Main Phase only. Ash, of course, was amazing and so was Maxx "C". I've been holding on to Maxx "C" recently instead of activating it on Draw Phase (even though my opponent might be playing Fenrir), so I can chain it to any card that could Special Summon, like the Purrely Quick Play Spells, or if I see a level 2 on field for Spright, Riseheart's effect, etc. Only things I'd change is probably putting Nib to 1, or outright cutting it and max out on Veiler, since Nib rarely ever came up and I didn't draw into too many handtraps going first.
Going first board usually depends on the hand, but it usually ends on Noir + Nightingale (to prevent any kind of OTK) along with My Friend and occassionally Street/Yeap. I try to save my Noir bounces for something that I know will hurt, such as bouncing Lyly's target, bouncing My Friend, Swordsoul's tokens, any Tear name trying to fuse in grave, Scareclaw's Normal Summon, Deer Note, etc.
Going second I usually try to break through the board as much as possible and Epurrely Happiness OTK. Otherwise, I try to catch up on resources as much as possible with Epurrely Happiness' search and set up so the opponent can't play on our next turn and outgrind from there. The way the OTK works is you get Delicious and Happy Memory, go into EHapp, attach Delicious to EHapp, target an opponent's monster with 2700 or less ATK to become indestructible by battle, then swinging, lowering its ATK, searching Happy mem, attaching, repeat. Slacker rarely came up since going 2nd I'd rather go into any Epurrely, but I kept it in as a precaution (Fucho is probs better to hard make Zeus, but I prefer Slacker since it kind of does the same, really comes down to preference)
2x Street and Yeap was good, not seeing it so often that its bricking your hands but also not not seeing them, y'know? Also, 2x Yeap can come up for the grind game. You might want to keep shuffling back names into the Deck or Extra Deck, and it also serves as a sort of interruption when in the mirror, since all of the EPurrely's attach memory effects are WHEN effects, if you chain anything to the memory, they will not be able to attach the memory from the field.
ID: 845-651-811
I have a few replays there that show different parts of the deck, such as going first, OTKing going 2nd, setting up going 2nd and a grindy game which I sadly lost due to the cockroach.