
Master V from on February 18th, 2025
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Finally, i feel like ive fully optimised this list. Wasn't able to play it after the completely unjust saronir hit; back then it was crazy, but even after powercreep it's pretty decent for this format. Now that Saronir is back, I've been enjoying this deck and feel like I've found the right ratios. Kinda wish I did this back in 2023, these ratios feel so good i can only imagine how insane this deck would've been before the hit.

I experimented with chaos space baby dragons, not worth in this version, makes it randomly comboy and also bricky when you're playing a control deck at the end of the day. Also I wanted to play branded etude but i wasn't able to get to it as much as it was bricking me, so while it was effective it wasn't an insta win, so id always go regained over it.

I now play tragedy and foolish, which optimizes opening gold sarc and gives more starters. 40 is nice and consistent, and we've minimized the problematic bricky cards, although some do exist as we are not playing a tier 1 meta deck lol. The reason for why only 1 cartesia: while it is not a brick, it is slightly suboptimal starter, and we have numerous ways of searching it anyways in case we do open quem.

In extra deck: I like titan over sprind as it has mutliple uses in our deck, and a better generic target going second. Artemis is to link off quem cartesia in the event of interruption, also cam be used to extend in some interrupted lines. Lulu came out for a bit, but again has too much utility so it went back in. S:P is a busted generic link we can easily make for main effect so why not. Starsource kept coming in and out for typhon, but eventually decided typhon is a very situational card for me and i found that either i stop my opponent or i dont; in which case simply put i can play or not play, typhon aint saving me. Starsource on the other hand is good utility and even a direct target off albaz sometimes.

Bystial deck is always good when bystials are alright; if they were bad they're bad, and if they're too good we have to worry about our opponents bystials. I hope to get M1 with this, fiendsmith and azamina are easy pickings for us.

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No replays yet lol. Hope to climb to M1 with this, at which point i should have some replays. I'll put my MD ID below:
