Notes & Combos
A bit of a tough grind these past days, but I wanted to make Master at least one more time with Floo before the Fiendsmith meta shift.
This was the first time I've used Lose 1 Turn in Floo. Watching some of Gimichu's games convinced me, and it really did a lot of work, especially against Tenpai and Yubel, which were the decks I saw constantly. Feather Storm though was the MVP, though when in hand, if you can, be mindful the order you get your birds on the field, as a negated Robina can leave it dead.
I had already added N'Tss and Garura in the extra deck because of Voiceless Voice using Maximus, but when I kept losing coinflips I added a copy of Slayer and the other targets in the extra deck. Slayer helped a few times against Yubel to clear a negate (or two), and Spheres if Tenpai couldn't OTK. I bricked on it a few times, so if you attempt it be mindful it is a risk, or build for going second.
Hope the birds can survive what's coming! Also Konami, please more wind and winged beast support.