Runick Spright

Master V from on February 12th, 2025
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Runic spright deck that took me to master 5. Definitely not the best deck in the meta, but I have found this variant very resilient to hand traps and consistent when going first. If you only draw access to one engine, that is fine and can win games on its own.

You generally want to open at least 2 runics plus another level 2. Lines change a bit based on the level 2, with blue and jet being the best by far. Capshel and Ipiria are very nice for some extra draw power in case you don't open a second runic.

Usually I will summon 2 huggin during the first turn to consistently make the endboard and trigger a draw. Typically you want to get your sprights out of the deck before you draw with fountain to get the most runics/hand traps. Sometimes you will need to draw into your sprites if gigantic gets negated.

If you get Maxx "C"'d or fuwalosed, I try to end on fountain, gigantic, red with a runic in hand to summon sleipnir. This gives you 2 interactions plus your runics and hand traps. Purulia is pretty easy to play around if they use it early since you often will only summon 2 cards from hand, and this will also trigger dispelling.

Hand traps are flexible; just put in whatever you like. I used to run Crossout but switched it for Ghost Belle when I found I was having issues with graveyard decks and wasn't struggling with hand traps as much. Typhon and Herald are flexible, but Herald is really good at recycling SP in the long game. I would also switch Veiler for Imperm unless you run Crossout.

Typical end board is Elf, red/carrot (I prefer carrot to stop board breakers), IP, and gigantic.

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