Notes & Combos
Reason for 48 cards: Having an equal ratio of WF monsters to handtraps is ideal, but you can't typically run more than 13 WF monsters, so I limited myself to 48 instead of going the full 60 as this allows 13 handtraps, 13 WF, and 18 S/T for a 56% chance of starting with at least 1 of each in your starting hand. If I ran a 40 card deck with a ratio of 10/10/16 or 11/9/16 it would only be a 53% chance, so I'd say it's an improvement. Also larger deck size prevents drawing your garnet traps or Lurrie.
Rollback Usage: You can use whatever floodgate you want. I chose Dimensional Barrier and EEV just because they're cheap and effective. DBarrier stops Tenpai and White Forest, EEV stops floodgate heavy decks and Runick(it also wipes the field btw). Ghost Meets Girl is obviously the most effective floodgate for this purpose but I'm poor. Considering replacing EEV but it's hilarious letting my opponent draw 30 cards with Fuwalos and then crushing their entire hand.
Bystials: Druiswarm + Silvy/Rucia into Chaos Angel is pretty sick removal. Bystials are really good in this meta where everyone is either running Fiendsmith or White Forest or something. Originally I was using Lubellion but cut it because it doesn't do much for you going 2nd. They can also be used to make Beatrice so that's nice. Keep in mind Druiswarm's effect doesn't trigger from being detached though.
Fiendsmith: Not much to say except you can use Reqiuem as a spell/trap for your WF costs. That's nice. You can consider adding Fiendsmith's Sanct just so Engraver isn't a dead card if you hard draw Tract. It's a useful card for starting your Fiendsmith combo and is potential discard fodder for WF anyway.
ED Options:
You can consider Artemis, The Magistus Moon Maiden as a way to get your WF normal summon into the GY if you get handtrapped and need to go into Bystials.
D/D/D Wave High King Caesar is obviously good in Fiendsmith but I wouldn't run it along with Beatrice. Pick one or the other. They serve the same purpose of floodgating your opponent when going 1st so yeah.
Formula Synchron is obviously really good with Diabell. Summon it on your opponent's turn, Synchro Diabell into Chaos Angel, and get a quick banish on an opponent's card. Kinda gimmicky though.
Saint Azamina is good if you can get it out, but with the minimal Sinful Spoils in this deck it's more difficult to do.
Guardian Chimera is great, run Sinful Spoils of the White Forest with it.