Danger Dark World

Master V from on January 29th, 2025
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Made it to Master playing Dark World, it sure was a trip. I had a lot of help from Hellfire Shadow in the dark world channel in the Discord, so s/o.

I'm still playing a gates list, which might not be optimal, but I have not yet tried to play without it.

The extra deck space is quite tight, and although this is what I used to climb, I recommend swapping either Security dragon or Akashic for an Azalea, which helps a ton going second.

If you happen to have multiple dangers! in hand, I'd recommend always using the bad one first. That way, you will lose less if they happen to hit themselves

So it would be in order : already used dangers < dangers in multiple copies in your hand < Chupacabra / Mothman < Jackalope = Tsuchinoko < Nessie

Always pay attention to the possible reactions of the opponent, it can help you guide your plays. Most of the time, it can help you know what kind of handtrap they're playing. For example, if there is a waiting time after using a danger, chances are your opponent has an Ash blossom in hand. if there's a trigger when you have a monster on the field, it's probably either a veiler or an imperm... Knowing this means you can try to bait them.

If you see your opponent playing a 60 card deck, be very careful if you try to use The Zombie Vampire, it can give them amazing setup.

If you have questions, feel free to @ me in the dark world channel, I'll try to answer as well as possible

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There are only 3 replays, but they're all showing something different : full going first combo uninterrupted / deckout with maxx c / pushing through an established board going second (I was still playing clorless in this one, don't do it, he's not worth it)