Notes & Combos
Played a bunch of different decks in diamond to mix it up a bit (VV, morbs, pure lab, branded) but decided to test out various slifer lab builds and ended up meme'ing my way to m5. Definitely not as good as pure, and a far cry from how good it used to be, but it wasn't terrible. matter what deck I decided to post my ultimate conclusion is the same: this format, and this game, suck.
When using the slifer vairant of lab, I mainly played with a version like this, or a 60c mill-focused slifer lab list that didn't really perform the way I wanted to (the amount of times I saw the lose and rank down warning this month is staggering LMAO)
A couple things to note:
- I am not happy with Diabellstar It's far too inconsistent with wanted limited, and the amount of times I drew into the trap is insane. The idea was to better help get slifer into the grave since furniture is semi-limited, but if you don't already own the diabell cards you should probably skip it.
- Why no SEC? While it's an extremely powerful card, and I did experiment with it, Extrav in the slifer variant is just too important right now. I NEED those two draws sometimes which sucks but yeah our consistency is hurting thanks to the limited foolish and the semi'd furniture.
- No imperm? It sucks but because I played the diabell package my room for hand traps was tight. I needed high-impact hand traps that can work off of Sky God's draw effect.
- Only 1 Arias? Unfortunately I cut her to 1 to reduce bricks. Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE Arias stan, but too often I found myself drawing her without a good target thanks in large part to the bulky diabell engine I was running. I use 1 because she absolutely came up, but after too many bricked hands I couldn't justify running her at my preferred 3 copies.
- Is this better than pure lab? NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Slifer lab used to be in a position where it could compete with pure and, at the very least, have a justification for it's existence. Unfortunately, now with furniture semi'd and high impact traps in the game which we struggle to use (without sacrificing consistency), the variant has fallen off. The furniture hits hurt us more than even I initially thought and in today's dog-**** format that's full of sacky bs, we struggle.
It's a far cry from when I last climbed with slifer lab over a year ago :( Hopefully once lab gets some of their cards back we can rebuild without including some of the bricks