Notes & Combos
Just reached M5 with this deck, was gold 3 yesterday. Yes I played quite a bit but it was pretty much straight wins all the way to D2 and from then I dunno, 5 losses before I grinded through the Tenpai spam to get M5. I do not really want to grind to M1 right now but there's not a doubt in my mind that RDAs can reach it HANDILY.
I am not making this post for others to copy, I am making this post for others to learn that this is a very legitimate deck. Look at this decklist ? Does anyone really think I want to run half the non-engine I run ? I am just poor. There's plenty of cards I would like to experiment with in the Extra Deck, I tried Trishula for a while now I am experimenting with Legatia (can't say that either has impressed) and if I had some UR I'd try out plenty more but I don't. Is there a reason I don't have any Fuwaloos ? Yeah, can't afford them. Do I want more Triple Tactics ? Yeah, can't afford them.
I am not just poor though, I am also bad. I make missplays constantly, summon the wrong monster or at the wrong time and mess up my combos to this day if a negate gets thrown into the mix even when I know I should know better and through all that I still reached Master.
I urge anyone who is on the fence about trying this deck but has been disincentivised by its lack of play rate to try it out and not just try it out but also post about it, what's been your experience with it ? What did you find hard ? What did you find easy ? Did you try some new tech that worked ? I am really curious about running more floodgates since ***** is pretty good at getting rid of them once their job is done and the simple RDA + Gaia + Red Zone combo is super strong under a floodgate.
Here's my ID: 872-677-738
I can't guarantee that all replays are of this decklist since I'll be changing it around the moment I get my hands on some UR.