
Master V from on March 28th, 2025
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The utility of Bystials as hand traps, bodies, and a recursive engine compliments the fiendsmith engine really well. Ptolemy is decent boardbreaking but if you open Saronir it can convert into Lubellion for Magnamut + beast/regained

All 5 cyberse are full combo and at minimum Ceasar + DPE. Speaking of DPE it is still an incredible payoffs for having any two bodies, and while you run two bricks for it the hand smoothing of Link Devotee + Link disciple you do anyway fix it, and you should be decent enough going second with the mass amounts of bystials and handtraps

I chose it because it doesn't lose to Maxx C or Fuwa as hard as other decks, but you can still combo off if you dodge them and not having to run called by and crossy makes you a bit stronger going second

The original list is from AprilShowerz, I removed some hand traps for the kashtira package

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the original april list