Notes & Combos
I kind of snapped at the end of the season here lol. I played a bunch of different versions of this deck throughout diamond, but this is what I used for my last bit here. It's a very annoying format, so I added a bunch of going 2nd cards to hopefully force a turn 3 so we can get our traps to resolve. Luckily I got a bunch of Tenpai too at the end which is still a decent matchup for us.
Some notes:
Some of the worst matchups are anything Fiendsmith and we go second/Exodia/Yubel/Labrynth/going second in general.
Retaliating "C" is for Fiendsmith, but it also gives us some rank 4 plays. Specifically into Dugares which can give us a draw 2, or you can special from grave for an S:P, plus if you use retaliating again for S:P you get a maxx "c" off of it which isn't bad either. If you get lucky you can also force exodia to burn their trap this way too with S:P which isn't bad.
Only one Maxx "c" because you really don't want to draw it, you would rather search into it with retal.
3x fossil dig + miscellaneousaurus because everyone is running effect veiler and imperm now. Drawing multiple isn't bad because you can search for a dinmorph + misc.
Kaiju is for Exodia, but can also help going 2nd in general sometimes.
Heavenly is for exodia as well, but also just can help incase you don't get any engine. It's def not needed and I'm still deciding if it is worth it or not.
Small labrynth engine, just because there are so many negates now you can force them to ash/negate big welcome which can allow your fusion trap to go off. Going first it also good because it helps with consitency.
Starving Venom dragon is there for S:P fodder. This is down to preference, and I don't run evolzars because they never come up. Z-Arc comes up WAYYY more often, and I'd rather use Alert for Rex rivival then as a win more for a evolzar.
Only other thing on my mind is considering dropping Intact to 2 and maybe running a called by the grave instead. Drawing 2 Intact feels really bad...
Some replays: 707-682-683