Notes & Combos
Hello again. I have once again reached Master V with Millennium. Aside from the standard Millennium plays, I decided to maximize on useful hand traps that gives me the best odds of edging a win going 2nd, as well as having extra plays to back up my Exodia. We focus on field presence during the opponent's turn, as Ankh limits our end board on our turn.
Some of these include:
- Phantazmay, which is really good against Fiendsmith decks. In addition to drawing into more hand traps and putting back garnets, he also protects Exodia from cards like Engraver and Druiswurm.
- Rescue-Ace Impulse serves a similar role to Phantazmay, where we want to draw as many cards as possible via Fire Attacker. The extra garnet is worth it, as fire attacker can be put back by phantazmay, or ankh if we placed it via wedju.
- Bystials, which are a great pick this format. A funny play is placing your druiswurm with wedju and then making doom dragon to clear boards, if youre not able to summon druiswurm normally.
- Retaliating C is still decent, despite the drop in azamina usage. It occasionally punishes a snake eyes (OSS) or tear (grief) player, as well as blue-eyes (roar). But the best part of this card is either linking it off or placing it with wedju to make Doomed Dragon. If sent from Field to GY, it lets you search Maxx C. In these instances, you can chain block its effect off of the summon of silhouhatte/doom dragon (even silvera from hop ear) to ensure the add.
- Hop Ear Squadron is the hidden MVP, allowing us to potentially do Turn 0 plays with other hand traps. Diabell/Silvera (Ret. C,Bystial, Fire Attacker) and Shenshen (Phantazmay) are potentially turn enders, so we can sweep for the easy Exodia win next turn. Going 1st, we hold it to make Baronne with Seng or Legatia with Exodia
- In addition, we have the other well known cards (ash, droll, nib) to get value from our pletheroa of drawing hand traps.
- In total, this deck has 10 cards that lets us draw on the opponent's turn (13 if counting Ret. C)
The only change I'd make now is replacing Diabell with Draco Beserker of the Tenyi. However since I can't afford him atm, Diabell is its placeholder, and unfortunately not that great to make with hop ear turn 0. However, she is still effective if you have wedju temple up (she can send Ret C in S/T Zone with her effect!)
If you're tired of watching the snake eyes fiendsmith movies going 2nd, this may be the deck for you.
Here is a short compilation of my most recent duels climbing to Master V. Forgive the quality; my graphics card isn't the best: