Galaxy Tachyon

Master V from on March 24th, 2025
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 210
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Shout out to Kanimize this Deck Profile is pretty much a replica of one of his Trickstar Tachyon Variant decks

Deck hand on average and lot of playtesting has a nice blend of consistant ratio of 2/3. 1 card starters and atleast 2 HT's versitale for Going 1st or 2nd

Dimmension Shifter helps prevent certaint ht's like Effect Veiler,Maxxc,Droll while also Slowing n shutting down some decks Snake-eyes,Blue-eyes, tearlaments

Triple Tactics man im keeping this card such a board breaker/can also be used to pluck a card out an opponents hand which alone can many times have won me the duel by itself. Trickstars are great variant because they can bait out ur opponents interactions/negates "lightstage can force ur opponent to activate their set card prematuraly or they lose the ability to activate it until the end phase of your turn

2 called by and Cross out .... i feel is a must (cross out included) Tachyon does not like getting ashed or maxx'cd, Veilered etc. and stopping them from negating u is very advantagous to u as tachyons are hard to deal with once where board is established as well as they also always have have OTK threats

Tachyon Spiral yes i run it because ive been in matches where my Tachyon has gotted Super Poly'd , lava Golem'd ... and this card can deal with that by SS ur Tachyon back to the field or help u recycle a used transmigration (or just grabbing a tachyon card from grave to ur hand

Rum ... or Rank-up the Seventh one ... ive played with this card in deck and w/o it and this card ultimately has won me over officially and can be a game changer when using it via Seventh Ascension ...and u can always put this card back into ur deck via seventh tachyon if its not currently live

but yea thats about it deck has been consistant no complaints here about its performance

Shout out to "Eternal Galaxy" discord server guys like Kanimize, Stern, Lone, Greenspiny and many other amazing Galaxy mains out there great server for all ur Galaxy-eyes needs

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