Notes & Combos
The principe of this deck is simple: handtrap your opponent and pray that your boardbreakers are enough in case you're going 2nd, and in case you go 1st, hope to have the out to maxxC and/or double fuwalos. I actually intended to make this deck with the maindeck fiendsmith lacrima crimson tear, buttttt she didn't get added to the game... which made this deck on masterduel way worse than I had cooked it up on simulators. And since I didn't have much time to adapt (by the time I got home from school, I had like 2h to figure out something, while attending even more work), the ED isn't the best it could've been (it'd have needed more testing). For the rest tho? Fairly decent for a rank4 turbo deck pre ryzeal. and in case anyone asks about the heraldic beasts monsters, read charged-up heraldry, that card saved me so many times by now, on it's own it allows you to end on sargas, xyz armor fortress, 2 lv4 bodies and the full armored xyz trap.That means that as soon as you see your opponent being on a gy reliant deck, you can quick xyz into abyss dweller and shut it down (also allows you to slghtly play around imperm/dark ruler no more). Fiendsmith's there to maybe make the D/D/D monser, but it also helps going 2nd overall and pushing for game (I'd also have run desirae and sequentia if crimson tears lacrima was added and would've cut down on bagooska and zeus). Another cool option I'd have loved to add but couldn't (because I'm poor on UR dust rn and ED's tight alr as it is) is Exciton Knight. Helps clearing boards while also allowing you to link it off for requiem and go fiendsmith "combo" from there on. Crystal beast is kinda amazing. It's another 1card combo and allows you to run the CB spells, which provide this deck with some much needed extra consistency, and bridge of the heart can be an amazing card going 2nd (or as an endboard piece if you manage to search and keep awakening of the crystal lord, then you can special summon ON A NEW CHAIN LINK sapphire pegasus (yes, it's a when effect, it WILL mistime otherwise) and bounce a card). Not that much to add really, the deck's endboard plan's simple: UDF with sargas, xyz armor fortress and full armored xyz.
Aight, was fun playing around with XYZs for about 2months, thx for reading this tedtalk and hopefully cya around!
Biggest warning: Would I recommend this list? NOPE, it's FOR FUN and I just happened to have all the cards needed to play this. Beware of that.