Invoked Shaddoll

Theme Chronicle from on January 18th, 2025
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Simple Invoked Shaddoll control deck. Pretty strong into this event but a bit expensive if you don't have these cards already crafted. Can be a bit bricky sometimes depending on the hand. Goal is to get some resources into the graveyard/field and setup Shaddoll Shism through El Shaddoll Construct into Gravity Controller combo to summon in your opponents turn with El Shaddoll Winda (floodgate) or El Shadoll Apkallone (permanent monster effect negate as long as they're on the field). Use Invoked Engine as support mainly for omni negate Invoked Mechaba or you can use Invoked Raijin to set monster cards of your opponent to turn them off or your own Shaddoll Monsters to use their flip effects.

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