Notes & Combos
Orcust is the best deck in this event to get your gems super fast due to its sheer versatility and power. This strategy has enough room for handtraps for combo decks and enough ways to deal with backrow decks relying solely on engine (Phoenix, Unicorn, Dingirsu). Any two cards is full Orcust combo using Mermaid, so we use the Snake-Eyes engine which prints out more bodies than we know what to do with. Prioritize Babel over Crescendo in your standard combo as a non-target send is difficult for decks that rely on their normal summon like the mirror, Salamangreat, Plants, or Prank-Kids.
Armageddon Knight / Dark Grepher are extra starters, but Girsu is the best one even if you open both because I like to leave my opponent the Token. Funnily, it prevents Unexpected Dai, but it is mostly there to stop Imperm on your Masqerena. The extra deck is flexible, but some choices have their utility. The Sky Striker Links gives you access to more types of removal and are importantly Dark. Topologic Trisbaena absolutely eviscerates the Eldlich match up.
So yeah, have fun playing constructed Orcust in this fun side event.