Notes & Combos
Not much to add from the stuff I've already written in my other Azabound lists here, the only thing i could add is just that I realised I needed a Lvl7 Synchro a lot of the time so I added Kuibelt in and it's just great utility, you get two flex slots in the list and Moa Regina over Kuibelt is just not worth it, Moa Regina is a win-more card and Kuibelt is a lose-less card and the choice's really simple tbh
Here are sm resources you can look at to learn more about this deck:
February Season M5 List (includes mini-explaination of the list):
Youtube Mini-Guide + Replays:
Combo Spreadsheet (I HEAVILY recommend using this only as a minor baseline to learning the basics of the deck, go practice in solo mode or even better against a friend to try and play through handtraps before actually going into ladder, and watch some replays too):
Don't have any from this season so here are ones from last season: